Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

European Year of Skills 2023: Discussion

11:00 am

Ms Lucianne Bird:

Yes. Regarding what could be done, I would join up the different cross-sectoral interests. There is a health and education aspect to what we do. We are funded separately and even within that, we are not able to tie the funds together. Assessment is critical. As the Deputy said, it is a bigger discussion. Access to assessment services is very important to make sure that people get the right kind of supports. In addition, the funding mechanisms have to be revised. You clearly cannot provide services in 2024 based on 2011 funding. There are significant challenges for us as an organisation from a sustainability point of view. I am concerned about the lack of funding impacting on quality, safeness and effectiveness of services. There are opportunities to join up provisions. For instance, we have not had access to capital but other parts of education and training have fit-for-purpose services. Making services available on a cross-basis, across the ETBs, the NLN and other providers would bring efficiency into the system. We are aware there is a limit to resources, so it is about making the best use and joining up all the different elements in provision. It is also about recognising that people start at different points and there are very different pathways for people as they move through the whole education system to employment and to taking their place in the community and civil society.