Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Operation and Resourcing of Coimisiún na Meán: Digital Services Commissioner

Dr. John Evans:

There is the EU AI Act. We do not have responsibility for this. In a sense, the DSA does get at the regulation of AI where it is used to provide the services of the platforms. If there is an AI behind an algorithm that is recommending something to the user as part of his or her feed, or if it is behind the search engine when one goes online, then that becomes part of the systems and therefore a potential risk for a platform. It needs to assess this and then put in place mitigation measures. For example, if AI is leading to a distortion in the presentation of content in such a way that it becomes a risk to public discourse then this is something the platform should address through its risk mitigation measures. That would then be an issue for the European Commission to pick up. Because AI is part of the machinery behind everything they do it does get caught to a degree by the DSA.