Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Mapping Diversity, Negotiating Differences: Constitutional Discussions on a Shared Island: Discussion

Dr. Joanne McEvoy:

We first identified the kinds of groups we would want to engage with. We wanted to engage with women's groups, migrant communities and young people. We had focus groups through Ipsos MORI as well with citizens who we had already identified through surveys as being undecided on the constitutional question, "Should there be a referendum?". The way in which we sought access to the groups we were interested in was through networks of community organisations. Essentially, we started off through our own contacts with these community organisations. We worked with the umbrella women's organisation in the Republic of Ireland and similarly with other organisations in Northern Ireland. We worked with migrant community umbrella organisations in the North and then smaller ethnic minority organisations in the North and South. With young people, again we worked with different associations, student associations, the Washington Ireland Program and so on. It was really through a network of community groups and through our own contacts that we were able to access them. By moving from the umbrella organisations deeper down to the smaller locally based community groups, we ensured we got to the grassroots communities. Does Professor Todd want to add to that?