Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Committee on Mental Health

Mental Health Care for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities: Discussion

Mr. Patrick Reilly:

With regard to the Roma community, in particular, we have a Roma programme in Pavee Point. We are hearing that there is a level of paperwork needed to prove that these people lived there or that they have come from that particular country.

Along with young Travellers, we have developed a mental health website, youngpavees.ie, which I very much recommend that committee members should visit. We covered this in the focus groups which we did with them.

Young Travellers spoke about how they have a fear of racism and discrimination taking place before it even happens. That is happening with Ukrainian and Roma people in particular. They already have a lot going on because they are fleeing these countries, but there is also that fear of being discriminated against. We talk about mental health, and that is having an impact on people's mental health. We are seeing that, in particular, with young Travellers this very day, unfortunately.