Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Challenges Facing the Fruit and Vegetable Industry: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Niamh Brennan:

If I may, I would like to go back to the question of independent data. We cannot underestimate the importance of the data set. We did not address it too much in our opening statement because it is more of an issue for Teagasc and its remit but it is essential. For the past two years, Teagasc has compiled a report on input costs. That has been hugely beneficial for growers in negotiations with retailers. This is another area in which the regulator will have a role to play. If we have independent data available, that will definitely strengthen the position of growers going in because everyone is aware of their costs and everyone is on the same page. Professor Hennessy referenced that last week. She said that the beef and dairy sectors have years' worth of data but horticulture, because there are so few growers, does not have any which puts it at a huge disadvantage vis-à-visother sectors.

On the new educational piece and the apprenticeship scheme, I understand that it is a blended model, so students will have modules in college and then they will be out on the ground for a number of months, learning in the trade about plant protection and so on. It will be an excellent course. It is blended and the aim is to get people back growing and get them back into the business. That is an absolutely excellent initiative.