Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Public Accounts Committee

Appropriation and Expenditure of Public Moneys by RTÉ (Resumed): Discussion

9:30 am

Photo of Marc Ó CathasaighMarc Ó Cathasaigh (Waterford, Green Party)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

That was the first question I was going to ask. The Cathaoirleach took the words out of my mouth there.

I will return to the metaphor to which Deputy Murphy was alluding, in that we are trying to build a picture here. We have key pieces of the jigsaw that were hidden down the back of the couch for a while but we are still missing central pieces. We have Breda O'Keeffe who has never appeared before this committee, Geraldine O'Leary who refused an invite today, and Dee Forbes and Jim Jennings who are not in a position to attend. Then we are left with this frustrating impasse around a note of the meeting of 7 May 2020. There has been a moving of goalposts regarding the privilege attached to that document. That has been resolved and now it is a case of client confidentiality. Does Mr. Bakhurst accept in principle that RTÉ could waive this client confidentiality if it chose to do so?