Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Public Accounts Committee

Appropriation and Expenditure of Public Moneys by RTÉ (Resumed): Discussion

9:30 am

Ms Eimear Cusack:

I started in RTÉ in 2017. One of the issues brought to my attention first was that of contractors. A commitment was made to look at this. We began the Eversheds process is 2018. As part of that, we established a set of governing principles with the trade union group. There were 12 in all and 11 applied to how contracts would be issued and what would be considered. Contracts were issued to 82 individuals, 79 of whom accepted. As part of this acceptance, there were intense discussions with the individuals and their trade union representatives. Clause 12 provided that, without prejudice at the end of the process, a discussion would take place between the trade union group and RTÉ on outstanding matters including retrospection.