Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying

Assisted Dying in Europe: Discussion

Mr. Silvan Luley:

I am not aware of any Swiss review board having given a clear go-ahead to the Sarco pods. I think the right organisation to ask about all these things is Exit International, which is not a Swiss organisation. I am not aware of any green light or whatever being given by any review board here in Switzerland in terms of the Sarco pods. I do not know anything about that, so I cannot really answer the question.

On the other issue the Senator raised, which was about women, we dwelled on that issue earlier. I mentioned that regarding women there is the issue of socialisation and education. The Senator said that more women take care of prisoners, etc. This is an educational and social issue.