Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Public Accounts Committee

An Bord Pleanála - Financial Statements 2021

9:30 am

Ms Oonagh Buckley:

It makes sense to separate them out but the big bulk of our numbers are normal planning appeals. If we are to get on top of the backlog, we have to put resources into making decisions on those smaller applications. In fairness to people whose developments have been appealed, they need a decision too. That is important. It is open to the Minister to direct us to give priority to certain types of application. That could be done but I think we are better off following through on the work I am doing with staff in the board, putting in place different priorities around different types of application and trying to deal with them in different streams. If we ignore those smaller householder cases, I or my successor will be coming in here next year and saying we still have 900 files waiting for a board decision because that is where the bulk of numbers are. I need to get to grips with those as well.