Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth

Possible Enhancement of Child Protection Powers of Tusla: Discussion

Photo of Lynn RuaneLynn Ruane (Independent)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

I have been listening very carefully and struggling to differentiate what has been interrupted and what has not. There seems to be some conversation that is skirting on being allowed to ask particular questions and I do not see the difference between it and the ones that were interrupted. If I cross over into that, it is because I am struggling to figure out what is permissible. There is no need to stop the meeting as the Cathaoirleach can just tell met to back off. Apologies in advance.

Before looking at the possible enhancement of powers and that area of things, I want to pick up on a couple of threads that have gone before to seek understanding of what has been said so far. On the original allegations, at the time it would have been found by Tusla there was no current risk. Am I correct that this relates to the perpetrator only? Ms Duggan is nodding. At that stage, was there an investigation or was Tusla aware or did it have information about the concerns at a management or board level about how they may or may not be implicated in covering up of that abuse over the years?