Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Public Accounts Committee

Appropriation Accounts 2021
Vote 42 - Rural and Community Development
Report of the Accounts of the Public Services 2021
Chapter 6: Central Government Funding of Local Authorities

9:30 am

Photo of Matt CarthyMatt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

I want to talk about a commitment in the national rural strategy which commits to implementing rural proofing.

It states: "For rural proofing to work effectively, all Government Departments will need to make the impact on rural communities of proposed policy initiatives a routine policy consideration." A response to a parliamentary question tabled by my colleague, Deputy Kerrane, indicated that the Department had engaged with others "on a pilot basis with key Departments to identify the best approach in the Irish context". What other Departments has the Department of Rural and Community Development been engaging with in that respect?