Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Sustainable Development Goals: Discussion

Ms Karen Ciesielski:

I thank Deputy Smith for her question. Many of these factors may be out of our control because they happen on a global scale, but one thing, for example, that we could do on a domestic level to make a big impact would be to incorporate the SDG-proofing process in our annual budgeting. We can do that. Every SDG is linked with indicators, for example, around health, the environment and tackling poverty. If we were to link them to how we spend our money, because that is a choice that we can make domestically, we would see the impact and incremental systems change. In addition, ensuring public participation is happening in decision making is a critical factor in delivering system change. When we talk to people in the communities, as we have seen from the citizens’ assembly processes on climate action and as we await the biodiversity citizens’ assembly recommendations, which are due imminently, we see people want change. They want things to happen in their community to make them healthier and more pleasant places to live. They want sustainable food production. They want choice and they want those choices to be affordable and locally available. If we are putting money where are mouth is an ensuring that public money is spent investing in these changes, I think we would we see a big impact. Budgeting around the SDGs would be a strong signal to get there.