Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Public Accounts Committee

2021 Financial Statements of the State Claims Agency: Discussion
Chapter 20: Management of the Clinical Indemnity Scheme of the Report on the Accounts of Public Services 2021

9:30 am

Photo of Alan KellyAlan Kelly (Tipperary, Labour)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

No, actually I wrote to the Minister for Health and have raised it many times. I sent the current Minister a draft Bill, which I had produced myself, for the first time in September 2020 and he was to revert to me. This Bill is absolutely critical. We really have no choice as legislators but to bring this forward. It is really through the Department of Health, working with the Department of Justice as the lead, that it will have to be done. In the Ruth Morrissey Supreme Court judgment what the Chief Justice said regarding that and following on from that has never been implemented by this State and it is a bloody disgrace. People have to choose, when they are terminally ill, to go forward with cases because they know that if they do not, their children cannot sue if the person passes away in advance of a judgment and settlement. After all we have been through in this State that is wrong. Will Mr. Dempsey revert to the committee on the status of this in writing because I am sick and tired of the Government bluffing on it?