Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

Ms Sorcha Tunney:

I will come in briefly and will also not mention any names. We are talking about Irish companies and companies domiciled in Ireland. We must raise a flag about countries in conflict. There are countries that are in a setting of conflict and the threshold or need for due diligence is increased in those settings. Where there is a lack of regulation, etc., some companies are land-grabbing without prior consent of the communities and using that land to benefit themselves. I am trying to say that without saying it. We see and have documented examples of that practice. There are Irish companies involved but as Ms de Barra said, companies across the world are acting like this. The law is meant to change the behaviour of companies and when that behaviour does not change, we need to be able to get some remedies for the communities which are most impacted. Irish companies are involved.