Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

EU Nature Restoration Target and General Scheme of the Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feed and Fertilisers Regulation Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. John Keane:

I thank Deputies Danny Healy-Rae and Flaherty for their comments. I will make some final comments to sum up the main aspects of what we have been discussing from Macra na Feirme's side of things. The main issues are around ensuring market competition remains in place and is enhanced, which is crucial, and making sure farmers get access to the market. We must make sure a system is in place that protects farmers, as the end users, from prosecution should other actors within the sector have failings. There should also be ease of use for farmers to ensure there is no additional red tape or bureaucracy, which affects both older and younger farmers in terms of the burdens of, for instance, data recording or time constraints. Increased investment and support for laboratory analysis is needed to enhance the ability of services to analyse faecal egg sampling and other laboratory analysis that will support the implementation of the measures. Also important is the protection of data to secure assurances for farmers that their data are being used and shared with the appropriate bodies.

I will highlight the main core objectives as set out in the EU's own overarching document, which are harmonising the internal market for veterinary products, reducing the administrative burden, enhancing the availability of veterinary medicine products, stimulating innovation of new and existing medicines and strengthening the EU's response to fighting antimicrobial resistance. We have serious reservations as to whether the proposed Bill will meet any of the first four objectives. We ask that consideration be given to all the suggestions and proposals put forward this evening to ensure fairness and equity is brought to farmers with regard to this.