Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

EU Nature Restoration Target and General Scheme of the Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feed and Fertilisers Regulation Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Anna Daly:

It is interesting that the Deputy used the word "choice". Effectively reducing the competition will put the viability of licensed merchants and veterinary pharmacies at risk, which will ultimately reduce the choice farmers have when purchasing these products. Farmers are the end users of these products and if the choice is not there the competition is severely affected.

On the NVPS and the data concerned, the Deputy specifically mentioned Bord Bia, but I wish to come in on some of the other points. Given the potential for the Department to have access to all this information, it could be used to flag herds for inspection, which would be a major concern. Data could also be requested by, for example, milk processors or meat processors. It could be used to categorise herds and, ultimately, devalue the products that farmers are supplying. That is obviously a massive concern for farmers and should not be disregarded when considering the sharing of data as proposed in the Bill.