Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Sectoral Emissions Ceilings: Discussion

Mr. John Martin:

I can take that question. I agree that we do need to roll this stuff out as quickly as possible. I think the committee is aware of where Connecting Ireland is. The NTA has finalised service specifications for the first tranche of projects, which are scheduled for implementation in 2022 so this is moving but, obviously, the consultation has been ongoing and the final business case is under review. We were in a position to accelerate the roll-out of services to support Ukrainian refugees in dispersed communities and they were community-led Local Link-type services. We can use this to build on what we have and look to fill in gaps quickly so it is there. There is an urgency and we certainly accept and appreciate the urgency of rolling out these services. What we have been talking about this morning covers a number of different prongs such as electric vehicles, additional public transport services, communication and active travel. We are progressing all these in parallel. A question was asked earlier about what the priority was and the answer is none of them. We are working on them all in parallel and they must all be rolled out with a degree of urgency. We are not sacrificing one for the other. We are doing our best to get this stuff rolled out as quickly as possible and I think good progress is being made.

I will hand over to Ms O'Grady in the context of the EV charging infrastructure. I feel good progress is being made in the sector.