Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Public Accounts Committee

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland: Financial Statements 2020

9:30 am

Dr. Ciaran Byrne:

No, it is not the only one. To be clear, for the energy poor sector, in that particular programme the cost of the retrofit or the upgrade of homes is fully funded by the State. In the can-pay sector it is obviously up to the homeowners, but within that part of it there is also quite a spread because some people are well able to afford a particular retrofit, while others are not. In that regard, at the recent launch on 8 February, the Deputy might recall we put in high grant levels of up to 80% for attic and wall insulation, specifically targeting those who are in the can-pay sector but who do not qualify for the full upgrade and do not have a huge amount of disposable income.