Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Development of Indigenous Irish Enterprise: Discussion

Mr. Padraic McElwee:

My apologies, I did not answer the Deputy's question about third level. We ran a programme called Ireland's Best Young Entrepreneur, which was targeted at third level students. We are evaluating that programme. As the Deputy can appreciate, we felt it was inappropriate to run that programme during the two-year period with Covid so we will evaluate the merits of that. A number of my colleagues, myself included, interact with many of the third level education providers and deal with their entrepreneur sections or their societies. I regularly get invited to speak at events in Limerick and judge things, such as a boot camp, for example. Interaction is quite strong there. It is an area of focus because that is where some of the high-potential start-ups evolve. Enterprise Ireland does a lot of work on the background there as well.