Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Public Accounts Committee
2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 9 - Revenue Commissioners
Chapter 12 - Controls over the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme
Chapter 13 - Revenue's Management of Suspicious Transactions Reports
9:30 am
Catherine Murphy (Kildare North, Social Democrats)
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Good morning everyone. It is not ideal that we are not in the committee room but those are the times we are in. I would like to ask Mr. Cody a few questions and time is short so I would appreciate it if he could keep his replies as short and succinct as possible. I want to start off with the debt warehousing scheme. Understandably, that was an initiative that sought to keep as many businesses afloat as possible. The scheme was interest free for 12 months and then there was a low interest arrangement and a phased payment that had to be agreed.
How much has been warehoused by Revenue since the legislation was implemented? What is the total value of the debt currently warehoused and when will it be liable for full repayment? How long are the phases? For example, what type of phasing is being permitted? There are many viable businesses that are in a particularly difficult position at the moment. We are far from out of the difficulties. I ask Mr. Cody to address those questions.