Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Withdrawal from Irish Banking Market: Engagement with KBC

Mr. Ale? Bla?ek:

From our perspective, we have continued in the practice that was set up in KBCI 40 years ago. This is not something novel. We have strongly considered the well-being and the interests of our customers in that engagement through the employee council. It is the case that the union has been approaching us. It is our conviction that engagement through unions would only bring a third party into an already-working relationship with our employees.

On the other hand, we fully respect the right of our colleagues to be unionised in some markets. In Belgium, which the Senator mentioned, the union is recognised by the executive committee there, whereas in Ireland we have a model that from our perspective, and we have not been proven wrong, works well.

I would judge that more on the results than on the process. I reiterate that the redundancy terms we have agreed with the employee council and that we have, ultimately, committed to in discussions with our employees are the best in the financial sector in Ireland. That speaks for itself. This is not an area where we can stop being active. It is something on which I personally spend a lot of time. As part of our direct engagement, we need every day to listen to what worries our colleagues, whether through the employee council or other means. Our work never stops. I would rather focus on the result for our colleagues rather than whether a union feels it has not been recognised and justified.

I reiterate one point that I mean very sincerely. The colleagues in KBCI have been incredible. We have very qualified, experienced, capable people in KBC Ireland, and it is a pleasure for me to work with them. I repeat that now, in case they are listening to the discussion, in order that they can hear it for themselves.