Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Sectoral Employment Order (Electrical Contracting Sector) 2021: Discussion

Photo of Ollie CroweOllie Crowe (Fianna Fail)
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I will share the time with Deputy Flaherty. I have a few questions. I thank the Minister of State for his briefing. I welcome that Ms Coogan and Ms Maher are present to answer any questions following on from his briefing.

The amendment is much needed and very welcome. The Minister of State outlined in his contribution that the legislation would be passed by 1 February. I seek confirmation that the timeframe is correct. It seems a little bit tight to me but I will await confirmation of that.

Another concern I have is that businesses that are struggling currently and that might be unable to make certain payments are unlikely to survive into January. Could the Minister of State or the officials indicate what sort of flexibility will be given to such businesses to make repayments, given the need for the Government to support them and ensure minimal job losses? I will hand over to Deputy Flaherty when those two questions are answered.