Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth

General Scheme of the Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2021: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Joan McDermott:

I consider it an honour to be able to be able to speak at this meeting this afternoon, having spoken in the past as a natural mother and having the strength to do so. However, I am mindful that many mothers are still sitting at home today carrying the burden of shame of having a baby and still retain their secret. Some of them are suffering immensely both mentally and physically as a result of the circumstances surrounding their pregnancy, rape and incest. This is where the Bill has to be clear as to how the rights and freedoms of the natural mothers are not adversely affected. Any information the mother chooses to divulge has to be done with consent which must be honoured.