Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action
Reduction of Carbon Emissions of 51% by 2030: Discussion (Resumed)
Mr. Dara Lynott:
We represent ESB Networks, which is the distribution service operator, DSO in the South, and Northern Ireland Electricity in the North. As the Chair has rightly said both the DSO and EirGrid, the transmission system operator, TSO, have done remarkable work. In the case of the DSO, every three years the network has doubled the amount of renewables on the distribution system. I will hand over to Mr. Douglas with regard to EirGrid as a TSO. We are formulating our response to its strategy on shaping our electricity future. One of the main points we say of the transmission system operator is that it has done fantastic work to date but now there needs to be a pre-emptive delivery of infrastructure to allow the amount of renewables needed on the system to meet the ambition of the Government.