Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs

Children's Unmet Needs: Discussion

Mr. Mark Smyth:

I do not have national data that have been shared with us, so I just have anecdotes from clinicians on the ground. One community healthcare organisation, CHO, completed 26 PTAs in two weeks and all 26 were referred on for further assessment. My impression from my speech and language and occupational therapy colleagues is that this will be a consistent outcome. Clinicians will not put their careers or professional standards on the line to make a determination of disability in 90 minutes and give a false sense of what a child's needs are or will not indicate what their needs are based on 90 minutes. My expectation is that this will continue to occur and place a further burden on our creaking system.