Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs

Assessments of Needs for Children with Disabilities: Engagement with Ombudsman for Children

Photo of Alan DillonAlan Dillon (Mayo, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

I welcome the witnesses. I thank Dr. Muldoon for the publication of his excellent report. I wish to touch briefly on special educational needs. An area that is not talked about much is the lack of autism units at both primary and secondary level. Parents find it extremely difficult to get places for their children. The places are at a premium. Children remain in the ASD unit until their schooling ends, so the challenge is that there is not room for additional children. The issue is whether they can be facilitated in whatever school or community setting they are in until the older student leaves. It is becoming a major issue among the parents I meet. They face the worst possible news that there are not resources or a place for their child. The lack of early diagnostics or assessment of need is a significant issue. Children in ASD units thrive in primary school and when they leave they possibly do not have a place in a secondary school. It is a challenge to be put into a mainstream classroom. It is not appropriate and does not meet their needs. I ask the witnesses for some of their expertise or feedback in this area. How do we face this challenge and meet the needs of parents and children? How can we rectify the situation?