Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades 2020 and Preparations for Leaving Certificate 2021: Department of Education

Mr. Dalton Tattan:

It is a difficult question, Deputy, but I will do my best. There are approximately 20 cases. There are a number of cases that have been granted leave for judicial review by the High Court and a number of others that have not been granted leave. The latter are waiting in the wings. They are not formally initiated at this stage. There is a lead case, which the High Court judge has identified and that is proceeding at the moment so it is in a discovery process. We do not have a hearing date. We had one, but it was vacated by the High Court judge a number of weeks ago. I cannot anticipate when it is likely to happen but it is unlikely to happen before the end of this year, I would think.