Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Special Committee on Covid-19 Response

Non-Covid Healthcare Disruption: Mental Health Services

Ms Kate Mitchell:

I thank the Deputy for his comments. The survey we published today really does show the increase in prevalence of mental health difficulties, but also the increase in demand on mental health services and supports. While the sector has been incredibly responsive and has adapted very quickly to the increased demand and need in terms of mental health, it does not negate the fact that there are challenges for these services. As the Deputy rightly mentioned, many of our member organisations have stated that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on their organisation.

Some 75% reported that they had to withdraw services they would normally provide, while 35% reported that there has been a negative impact on fundraising and earned income in the past month. More than 50% reported increasing demand on their services and more than 80% identified that they expect increased demand in the future. It is imperative that the community and voluntary sector, in addition to public mental health services, receive additional support and resources. The survey indicates that 50% of the members who responded had not received assurances from the relevant Departments and agencies that their funding under existing funding agreements and periods was guaranteed. That is a very practical measure that could be taken in the first instance. We are coming up to budget 2021 and it is imperative that there is a clear commitment to adequate resourcing for mental health services in the public and community and voluntary sectors.

Ireland's new mental health policy was published on 17 June. It places an increased focus on a continuum of mental health services and supports, from early intervention and mental health promotion right through to specialist and acute services. It identifies the need for enhanced community and primary care supports. Through that policy we need to see adequate funding of and investment in services. The new policy should be fully costed this year and there should be a commitment to funding for the years to come.