Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Tracker Mortgages and Differential Pricing in Insurance: Discussion

Mr. Ger Deering:

Taking the Deputy's general question the answer is that we have complaints categorised. While we look at each individual complaint on its own merits, we are very conscious that any decision made could have implications beyond that particular complaint. When the Central Bank came before the committee several weeks ago it explained, and I can confirm, that we are working very closely with it. We send all of the tracker decisions to it for its information. If we believe there is something to which we need to draw its attention we will do it separately by referring it specifically. I expect that decisions on particular cohorts are then implemented by the bank in question. I do not have the power to do this but it is the sensible thing. Where the same set of circumstances applies, the same terms and conditions apply and the complaints are the same then obviously if one complaint is upheld it should be reflected in the others. In theory, we could have to deal with each individual complaint. I expect and hope the reality would be different and that as we start to issue decisions in the coming weeks that the banks will take them on board and apply them beyond the particular complaint we are dealing with. I mentioned that I will publish the decisions and this will be a big help. This will be of significant assistance to complainants and providers. Complainants will be able to look at their particular set of circumstances and see how it measures and compares with the set of circumstances in a particular decision. Based on the legislation I can only deal with each individual complaint in its own right but I expect, given the similarities between certain complaints, that it may not be necessary to issue decisions in every complaint. However, it may and I will do so if it is required.