Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Strategic Housing Development Review: Discussion

Mr. Joe Corr:

Exactly. Perhaps the development team mechanism could work. We should have a look at it to see if it is something that might work. We must bear in mind that this is a temporary measure. We expect it to be extended up to 2021. We should be looking at how An Bord Pleanála is managing this process as a model that might eventually be transferable to local authorities. This has not been touted as a permanent measure. Maybe that is what we should be looking at in the context of the SHD process as well.

The Deputy also asked about build-to-rent. It is going to happen anyway under normal development management section 34 planning applications. I think An Bord Pleanála is best placed to manage SHDs. They are being applied for as build-to-rent projects. They are not being applied for under section 34. It is not as if those involved will develop them as build-to-rent projects, but without saying that is what they are.