Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Joint Meeting of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the Joint Committee on Rural and Community Development
Common Agricultural Policy: Discussion

Mr. J.P. Mulherin:

The LEADER programme is not all that different from the one that operated last time around. For those interested in accessing funding, the first port of call is the local action group. The development officers in the local action group will assist them first in submitting an expression of interest to identify whether it is the type of project that would be suitable under LEADER.

After that the individuals or organisations are required to submit an application form with relevant supporting documentation. That documentation is looked at by an evaluation committee and then selected by the local action group involved. Essentially, that is the process that applied under the last programme and the process that applies this time. The difference this time is that those that are delivering the programme are slightly different than would have applied previously. Whereas previously it was just local development companies, now we have collaboration between the local development companies, the local authorities and the local community development committees that were established under the local government process.

At the outset of this programme, there were some concerns about the time it was taking for applicants to go through the LEADER approval process, but following a forum held in May 2017 the Department and the Minister introduced 31 actions to refine how applications went through the approval process. That has had a significant impact on the number of projects coming through the process and the amount of funding approved under LEADER. More than 1,600 projects with a value of €55 million have been approved for LEADER. The value of projects approved last year was double that in 2017. Clearly, the programme is moving in a good direction with a high level of project approvals taking place.