Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Lyme Disease: Discussion

9:00 am

Professor Karina Butler:

Despite Deputy MacSharry's comments, I totally agree with the Senator. The Deputy might indicate that I would not have agreed. We listen to the patients and I absolutely believe that we should approach patients with an open mind and listen to them. Patients deserve to have their aliments fully investigated, not just in the context of Lyme disease but also regarding other causes of their symptoms. There may be some cases where a diagnosis is made and where treated should be given. There will be others who may have symptoms for which there is not a defined infectious cause. For some, they will need other care treatment pathways to aid their recovery.

I do not think that any physician should laugh in the face of a patient if he or she raises a serious question. That is absolutely not acceptable. That is what we try to teach our trainees as they come through.