Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Ireland's Skills Needs: Discussion (Resumed)

4:00 pm

Photo of Aidan DavittAidan Davitt (Fianna Fail)
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Are we not engaging with the employers enough? That may be a complication. Sherry FitzGerald Davitt & Davitt would be one of the larger auctioneers in the midlands. Nobody asked me if we would take people on the course. I have a young guy working with me and I put him on the course. I know the person from SOLAS based in Athlone. He is a good person who came to see me and all that, but he is genuinely busy. He was involved in meetings with a few other people that day.

Recently I was approached for the first time by someone looking to go on the course. I told him I had somebody on it at present. I knew it was the wrong time anyway. I sent him down to a neighbouring auctioneering firm where he was employed nearly immediately. Is SOLAS talking to the employers? SOLAS should actively canvass the employers to outline the benefits, etc. There seems to be a mismatch there. I never heard anything from SOLAS. Over the years our firm would have been proactive in employing graduates and people on apprenticeships, etc. We would have found it very beneficial. Many people have stayed with us. I think manpower may still be a problem with SOLAS.