Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Letterkenny Institute of Technology: Chairperson Designate

3:30 pm

Mr. Fintan Moloney:

That is a pertinent question. It is almost two and a half years since the Cassells report was published, yet it is still sitting on the sidelines. I know that the new Minister for Education and Skills has not had time to consider it, given the ongoing construction issues. However, the former Minister said it would not be looked at until 2019. Perhaps it might be kicked even further into touch. It feels as if it is another report that will gather dust. There are three aspects that concern how third level education should be funded. I would like to see a situation where all students from all walks of life - we can mention the programme for access to higher education, PATH, in that context - would be able to access third level education without fees, but, of course, from where would the money come?