Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Future of Mental Health Care

Deficiencies in Mental Health Services: Discussion

1:30 pm

Mr. John Saunders:

I thank the Deputy. I will defer to the Ombudsman in his capacity for advocating for children. However, there are many voluntary and statutory efforts around targeting children's health generally, in both primary schools and, more likely, in secondary schools. That is important for all the reasons we heard earlier. It is important because we know that if we get in early, we can inculcate attitudes and change ideas and behaviour. The issue is how to provide a consistent level of intervention for all children in schools. I am very aware that many issues in Ireland are addressed locally, again by this idea of some regional spark that has been developed. Many very good services are provided by voluntary organisations but they are inconsistent because of resource issues and geographical variations. There is a pattern in Ireland where statutory mental health care services and educational services provided through the educational system are supported by voluntary effort. That is not a bad thing of itself but it leads to inconsistencies across the entire country. I will defer to the Ombudsman.