Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Committee on Public Petitions

Nursing Home Casebook: Ombudsman, Mr. Peter Tyndall

1:30 pm

Mr. Peter Tyndall:

Yes. The Deputy had a question about security of tenure. I simply do not believe it is acceptable for there to be no security of tenure and it seems quite wrong. Taking a human rights perspective on the right to a home, it is difficult to justify denying somebody a home at no notice. It is a qualified right under the human rights legislation. As Ombudsman, it also seems to me to be bad administration. Whichever way we look at this, the contract should be as any private rental contract would be, with notice periods and some security built in so as to give some assurance. One can understand that challenges are faced by the people running nursing homes and if security of tenure had to be given, there might need to be assurances about additional care if somebody became more dependent and so on. Although I am not saying it happens, as it stands somebody could be evicted on a whim, which cannot be right.