Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Public Accounts Committee

Comptroller and Auditor General 2016 Report
Chapter 20: Corporation Tax Receipts

9:00 am

Mr. John Hogan:

I can understand that Chairman – I do absolutely. However, in the nature of what we are trying to do here there is considerable complexity. It is bespoke in terms of the approach around the types of structures that we are trying to put in place. I can assure you there has been no resistance or lack of effort on our part in terms of what we are trying to achieve around all of this.

In tandem with dealing with the particular company involved, we have also been dealing on a consistent basis with the Commission and the Commission services team to keep them abreast of it. The Commission approach to dealing with state aid has involved taking certain actions that were disappointing, especially considering that the amounts involved in respect of this state aid case are extremely large. The Commission needs a particular structure to be put in place. This structure has not existed in terms of what we have seen thus far in other state aid cases. We want to ensure that what we have in place represents the optimal solution, especially from the perspective of the Irish taxpayer.