Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs

HIQA Inspection of the Oberstown Children's Detention Campus: Discussion

9:30 am

Mr. Pat Bergin:

Children are usually maintained in their bedrooms because that is an area that is familiar to them and they have their stuff with them. We have designed bedrooms where the possibility of self-harm is reduced. Ligature points are removed. We look at linen, clothes and such matters. From time to time young people may use their own clothes to wrap around their neck to try to choke themselves. Some young people will try to bang their heads against the wall. There is a range of different behaviours. We engage with those young people and spend time with them. We are minding them during the period of crisis they are having. In one sense there is no point in taking them away; that is not what they require.