Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution

Risks to Mental Health of Pregnant Women: Professor Veronica O'Keane

1:30 pm

Photo of Peter FitzpatrickPeter Fitzpatrick (Louth, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The restrictions in place under the eighth amendment mean that there are roughly 100,000 people alive today. In the UK there are 190,000 abortions every year. That is one in every five children. The director of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service in the UK said that 98% of abortions in the UK are down to mental issues. This lady then said that is not the case. We have good, strict laws in Ireland which have done us no harm over recent years.

The last thing I would do is follow the example set by the UK. Can the witness imagine one in every five pregnancies in Ireland being aborted?