Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution

Eighth Amendment of the Constitution: Constitutional Issues Arising from the Citizens Assembly Recommendations

1:30 pm

Professor William Binchy:

In immediate answer to the last question first, manifestly not. It is the nature of pregnancy. In pregnancy there are two lives intimately related to each other. That is the short and rather obvious answer to the first point.

Again, the Senator mentioned it is an extreme position to take the view that every human being has inherent worth that needs equal protection. It is a position worth considering and one I am sure the Senator accepts in every other area of life. I am sure he accepts it about ethnic background, mental and physical capacity and in terms of developmental stages. We do not say that an old person loses their human rights status simply because they are very old. This is a proposition which we should accept as axiomatic.

Senator Ruane said she did not accept the premise. She may disagree with the premise. That is anybody's entitlement. However, to argue for inequality, one has to say it in clear terms that there are inequalities between people. It is an argument that needs justification.