Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government

Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness: Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government (Resumed)

11:30 am

Mr. John McCarthy:

That is what is provided for in the Estimates for this year. That is right.

I might ask Mr. Walsh to comment on the affordability issue, which Deputy Ó Broin raised. Mr. Walsh has been intimately involved in this. In overall terms, we are trying to ensure through LIHAF a kind of commensurate return from an affordability point of view for the investment that is made under LIHAF.

That can mean different things in different locations. That is part of the rationale for the approach we are taking. Mr. Walsh might step in on that point and I will then come back in on the other issues.