Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Committee on Budgetary Oversight

Report on the Revised Macroeconomic Indicators: Discussion

4:00 pm

Ms Jennifer Banim:

For completeness I would say that in our annual figures on national income and expenditure, there is a disaggregation across the different sectors of the value added, and we split it into remuneration or compensation of employees and other. It is interesting because when one looks across the different sectors, for instance, in industry, the remuneration of employees is relatively small compared with the other, which essentially are the profits. It is at a very aggregate level and it is an annual exercise that we carry out at a high level. There is a bit of sector detail but it is not very detailed. It is there but it is a high level figure. It returns to the need from the users to go from something like that, as identified by the Deputy, and relate it back down to employment and earnings and so on. It is that walk from macro back to micro or from micro up to macro. It is there, it is interesting but perhaps it is not as useful as it could be with more detail.