Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Challenges within the Organic Farming Sector: Discussion

4:00 pm

Mr. Padraic Finnegan:

With the way it is now, it is all organic feed. In the case of cull cows or things like that, they will never go into the organic food chain. They are only ever going to go into the very lowest end of the conventional food chain, yet they all have to be fed organic feed at a very high rate.

There was an issue there with concreting over slats. It was common, especially in the springtime with cows calving and that kind of thing, for people to straw-bed slats. There is now this ingenious notion that slats cannot straw-bedded for health and safety reasons, because - Deputy Fitzmaurice knows more about it - one cannot drive a tractor in to clean them out. Most people would not be bringing a tractor in on them at all to clean them out. This is the ruling now. A farmer is not allowed to straw-bed. He or she has to concrete the slat, and I do not know what happens after that.

An awful lot of rules and regulations are coming in. The scheme is constantly changing, with no dialogue with farmers or anyone else. A lot of it makes very little sense, but it is making the scheme tougher to operate.