Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement: Discussion

4:00 pm

Photo of Paul GavanPaul Gavan (Sinn Fein)
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Mr. Kelly will not be surprised that I am going to raise the issue of the investor court system, ICS. What is the justification for having the ICS as part of the deal? Can any examples be provided where non-EU investors have had their rights trampled by the EU courts? Frankly, if there is not a justification for it being in the deal then we should not have agreed to it. The idea that democratically elected governments can be sued by private corporations because they might have the temerity to raise the minimum wage, for example, is absolutely shocking. Perhaps I am missing something. I would like to know what justification Mr. Kelly sees for the ICS, and perhaps he could give me some examples of where the ICS has worked well for democracy anywhere around the world.