Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Public Accounts Committee

Health Service Executive Financial Statements 2014
2014 Annual Report and Appropriation Accounts of the Comptroller and Auditor General
Vote 39: Health Service Executive
Chapter 19: Compliance with Prompt Payment Legislation in the Health Sector
Chapter 20: Management of Private Patient Income in the Health Sector
Chapter 21: Control over the Supply of High-Tech Drugs and Medicines

10:00 am

Mr. Tony O'Brien:

In this instance, of the range of people who I know to have been invited to participate in, as distinct from speak at, the conference, there was a member of the procurement staff and a decision was made by the head of procurement not to attend. I know that to be the case. In my own case, I have no direct dealings with any supplier. I would not be involved in the selection of any of the products that this supplier is involved in and I do not personally sign off on those procurements.

I made a decision that this conference was worthwhile.