Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Basic Payment Scheme and GLAS: Discussion (Resumed)

2:00 pm

Dr. Al Grogan:

All would go in the old system. However, in addition, in the old system, if there was another area that was 10% or under, we would still be making the reduction. The Commission is now recognising that it is difficult for farmers to make estimates of what is the ineligible proportion. The benefit we have achieved in the new system is to get a flexibility, if that is the word, although some others might say it is a tolerance, to reflect the fact it is very hard to estimate this low level of scrub. I will argue, and we have argued on numerous occasions, that in many cases when one looks at an orthoimage, one sees the crown of a tree. However, how many times does a person go out to a field and see the grass growing to the base? We have argued continually that an orthoimage looking down looks worse than a field visit on the ground. What we have achieved in this process is to recognise the reality on the ground. We now have a 10% freedom, or tolerance, that was not available prior to the beginning of this year. Have I explained it satisfactorily?