Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Basic Payment Scheme and GLAS: Discussion (Resumed)

2:00 pm

Photo of Tom BarryTom Barry (Cork East, Fine Gael)
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I would like to mention one small thing. It is good to hear about www.bing.com. I had never heard of it. I can see where the officials are trying to get to. I just think we are almost going to the point of instant mapping. There has to be some sort of line in the sand, or time delay, to allow for practicality here. I think the officials are creating a mountain of work for themselves and a mountain of worry for everybody else. Anytime someone has shown me a letter they have received from the Department saying a certain area has been overclaimed by 0.01 ha or something desperately tiny, I have told them to accept it because if there is a review, their payment is delayed indefinitely until the matter is sorted. I have assured them that they do not want to get stuck in a mapping issue. There needs to be some kind of constant here.

Especially in the case of land that is predominantly scrub, every year one will be worried that with the best will in the world one will get it wrong. Getting it wrong - even if one is confirmed to be correct - means that payment is delayed. I ask the Department to consider some form of time threshold, even if evaluations were to be every two years, as this would give people a chance to get this right.