Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis

Context Phase

Dr. Julien Mercille:

Well, there is the mass media, which is what my study is based on - the mainstream media, consisting of newspapers, radio and TV. There is also something called the alternative media, which is smaller. Much of it is based online. It is the same in every country. That is a good model, in my view, for the structure of the media. So they are not large corporate entities. They rely on advertising to a small extent or not at all, so they raise their funds, for example, from readers only. One can see very clearly the result of that if one reads the alternative media. In Ireland it is not that big, actually, but there are people like Michael Taft, let us say, who writes a blog. If one compares this with the mass media, the difference is like day and night.