Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht

Water Tariffs: Commission for Energy Regulation

3:35 pm

Ms Cathy Mannion:

It is my understanding that it was a Government decision as to where the meter was installed - that is, on the edge of the customer's property.

In terms of any work required to repair the water-in and water-out pipes, my understanding is that, based on custom and practice, Irish Water will take responsibility from the meter through to the curtilage of the property and into the property, but by law, the sewage or water-out pipe is the responsibility of the customer to the extent that if he or she has to do works on the public pathway, for example, he or she must get the appropriate permit to do that work. That is no different now from the situation last year and the year before.