Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht

Water Tariffs: Commission for Energy Regulation

3:35 pm

Ms Cathy Mannion:

I will make one last point about mixed use premises. To be clear, the business side of the mixed use premises pay no more and no less than they currently pay. It is just the introduction of a water charge on the domestic side of the premises. The business side of the mixed use premises has a much higher domestic allowance, for example, built into the charge; that will not change. We will just be introducing allowances and charges on the domestic side. There is no difference in the charge for the mixed premises on the business side. There has been some confusion about the matter in the public domain.

I do not have the answer to the question about estates not taken in charge, except to say that I know there is an issue. We have started talking to Irish Water about how best to deal with the matter. I have a feeling that more legislation will be required to deal with this one. I note what the Deputy said and I know there is an issue with those estates.